Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Main Store Renewal Open!


先月から予定していた本店改装ですが、素敵な土地に出会ってしまい、急遽Honmoku Hillsに移転しました(;◔д◔)


②ParanoiDさん、TEXTURE SHOPさんの商品設置





①の既存ヘアのアップデートですが、ご購入された方々に再送する際十分な説明がなく、捨ててしまっている方もいるようです。申し訳ございません(>ω<、) 紙袋をタッチ>Get Itemで最新バージョンの髪が出てきます。間違えて捨ててしまった方はお手数ですがcricri Coreまでお名前とその旨を書いたノートカードをお送り下さい┏o ペコ ②の件はまた後ほど新記事でご紹介させていただきます(。・x・)ゞ ③ですが、これらの商品に紙袋第二段のショッピングカート(手に持つタイプ)を同封しておきました。10月以降の新作から同封していく予定です。それ以前の商品には紙袋が入っています。 ④ですが、Angel Eveさんのハロウィンフェア(Chistmas Mall SIM)と、本店に設置しておきました。フェアの方も素敵なイベントなのでまた改めて紹介させて頂きます。

お待ちしていただいていた方々申し訳ございません(>ω<、) 設置できるようになり次第設置し、グループ通知とブログでご報告致します。 本店改装早々問題だらけですみません(´;ェ;`) 15日からメンズトレハンもあるので、より一層精進し、メンズやレディースの新作なども作っていこうと思います。 最後に、本店改装のサポートをして下さった方々どうも有難うございました(゚ロ゚)皆様のヘルプなしでは多分10月オープンは無理でした。・゚・(´∀`*)゚・・。身勝手な要望にまで応えて頂きほんまに感謝してます。この場をお借りしてお礼申し上げます_○/_ これからもCri-Criを宜しくお願い致します(*・ω・)*_ _)ペコリ (English)

Hello, I'm sorry for not writing blog for a while X( I was working on rebuilding main store.

Our main shop has been moved from Trinovantes to Honmoku Hills today. Trinovantes store will close within a month so please get new LMs in Honmoku Hills.
Big changes of new main store are:

A. 1 color hairs were changed to 4 colors.
B. I put my friend's shop, ParanoiD and TEXTURE SHOP's products.
C. Released 2 lady's hairs, 1 tank top, 2 neck chains.
D. Put halloween gift
E. Changed Cri-Cri group to update group that will not be counted for 25 group limit.

For A, I sent new hairs to customers today, but some people deleted them because of my poor explanation. I'm sorry about it. Please send cricri Core a notecard if you deleted new hairs.
**Be careful that you can get hairs by wearing paper bags > touch > Get Item**

For C, all of these new products include shopping cart. Shopping carts will be included in new products from October. Stuffs before then have only paper bags. Please check inside before purchase.

For D, I put free halloween gift in main store and Pure Angel Halloween Fair. I'm going to introduce the fair in someday again. It's so nice event :)
I was also planning to put pick gifts from Oct,1st but i can't put them till our store be on SL search engine. It'll take 1-3 days. I'm sorry about it. I'm going to send group message and write blog when i put pick gifts.

I'm sorry for having many troubles for opening main store. I'll do my best and make more new hairs. Man's only hunt ,"Make Him Over Hunt" will also starts from Oct,15th. Don't miss it :)

At last, I'd like to say thank you to my friends. I think I couldn't open main store in October without your help. It might have taken more time XD Thank you sooo much!

Our Main Store:

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Rebuilding Store②

[from Left > Right]
1.Tops: [gustnado modo] - [GM]asymmetric layered shirt B/Y
Bracelet: [MJ+DADA] - [MJ+DADA] Green & Stripe Bangles
Pant&Leggings: Fishy Strawberry - *Fishy Strawberry* jeans indigo / *Fishy Strawberry* leggins RetroPattern blue
Pumps: Maitreya - Group Gift Pumps
2.Tops&Tie: [gustnado modo] - [GM]short shirt&tie
Shirt: BareRose - :::B@R::: TRADurian
Pant: Zaara - Zaara : Jeans {classic} *charcoal*
Belt: COCO - *COCO*_gift-belt
3.Tops: [gustnado modo] - [GM]Zebra Polo shirt Red
Skirt: Fishy Strawberry - *Fishy Strawberry* star mini grey
Leggings: +SPICA+ - +SPICA+3colors leggings
4.Tops: [gustnado modo] - [GM]Drape Gilet Black
Shirt: Armidi - Armidi - Hoja Top [Ajan Blue]
Belt: COCO - *COCO*_gift-belt
Pant: Fishy Strawberry - *Fishy Strawberry* Distressed Denim - Dark (unisex)
Boots: Maitreya - Maitreya SoHo Boots Leather 'Spirit'
* Others: Beauty Salon Cri-Cri **some things are not on sale yet


某サンドでギフトにする予定のストールとブレスレットを作っていたら、gustnado modoのオーナーさんに出会いました(*゚д゚*)




I've made giftboxies and stoles this weekend:) When I was making them in sandbox, I met a thing shop "gustnado mode" owner.
He makes unisex clothes, jewelries, and funny goods. I love them and took a picture with his clothes and my boxies & hairs &stoles.

Those giftboxies are for man's product. I'm planning to put AOs into them.
The gift stole and new pony tale hair will be released with new main store in some day:)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Rebuilding main store①

Hat & Hair - Beauty Salon Cri-Cri : CriCri-gHat03
Head Phone - KARUMA!! : [ KARUMA ] HP Head black
Shirt - "NINKO" : "NINIKO"LooseTANK(white)
Pant - Spice&Sugar: (S&S) Harem pants_Black
Arm Warmer - Maitreya: Maitreya Armwarmers - Taupe
Sandals - [0N] ZERO NUMBER: [0N] flip-flops BLACK

先月からちまちま本店改装準備をしています アタ(゚Д゚≡゚Д゚;)フタ




I'm working on rebuilding main store since last month. I rent land just beside my exist main store in Trinovantes, so I'm gonna make my shop bigger:) yayy!

Before opening my new shop, I gotta rebuild store, remake vendors, update old products and send to customers, make new hairs and make new bags for products...So it will take loooong time XD

I already made 80% of building, and wrapping bag ( shopping cart) for lady's new hairs.
After open my new shop, I'm gonna put new products in the cart. It's the new version of the paper bags I made.
I'm also planning to make man's one too:) It's gonna be tons of present boxies w/ holding AOs.

I'm not sure when I can open new store...It'll take 1 month or shorter.
Please wait for me with a big heart XD ty

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Blog has been moved




Since the Japanese SL blog service, "SLMAME" changed its system, our Japanese blog has been moved to this HP. I'm going to write blog in both Japanese and English, so sorry if it makes you confused with weird letters XD
I'm planning to write more about our products such as stuffs still in progress, and write on Flickr too:)

Hope you keep in touch with Cri-Cri shop:)