Sunday, January 31, 2010

Gifts from fiend's shop

Hello! My products will not be released till tomorrow so I'm going to introduce my friends' shops.

First of all, I'm going to introduce an opening gift from Madoromi & IZM.  They released gift chair which turns to Japanese Kotatsu table from stump chairs.  You can change pose by touching chairs and change its shape by long touch.  4 people can sit on it:) ONLY 3 PRIMS! Don't miss it!

Next, luckey board from Daydream <3

Border shirt 15 minutes luckey board with original color :) Other colors are L$120 each. Well textured :D

Last, freebies & group gifts from si*na : museum!
(最後にsi*na : museumからのフリービー&グループギフトです(・ω・))
Potted plant, body pierce, ring, and further more...brooch! Her store is high quality jewelry shop which also receive order made.  Si*na : museum & Gasp collaborate boot is also sold there.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Low Prim Furnitures!

Hello:) Today I'm going to introduce my sculpt teacher's furniture shop, Madoromi.  Her furnitures are all low prim and contain tons of original animations!

It's hard to explain all her furnitures because her products have too many functions such as this 9-way chair XD  3 people can sit on this chair or 3 poses are avairable if you sit alone.  You can change the chair shape to 9 ways by touching for coulple seconds. This is only 3 prims and copy ok version costs 1500L, trans ver. is L$400.  You can easily rearrange your home within a second:) So fun<3

Which inspired me the most is this 5 ways tree.  I was soo excited and impressed when she showed me this.  These are ONLY 9 PRIMS!! And you can change them by touching the trunk of the easy and so fast to change.  6 people or poses are avairable, and only L$600 ( Trans only).
This Madoromi store was builted recently and lack of descriptions so far.  So please try and touch all her products to find cool functions :) You can find products outside the building too.

Madoromi Main Store:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Unisex Knit Cap Hair


Hello :) Cri-Cri released unisex knit cap hair today.

Each hair has 4 hair colors and 20 cap textures, copy only and costs L$170.
The Full pack is L$600 with 20 hair colors :)

Please try DEMO at main store or KDC hair mall!

Thank you <3

Main Store:



髪4色、帽子20色入り(。・ω・)ゞデシ! 1つL$170、20色入りのフルパックL$600です。
本店とKDC Hair Mallで販売していますので是非お試し下さい(゚ロ゚)


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Hairs & Updates

コンニチハ!!(゚Д゚*)(。_。*)ペコリ Cri-Criです

対象商品: 1Wave02-All、1Wave02-E、mShort04-D、Bon08-E、Bon08-All
内容: 間違ったカラーを修正。
方法: 商品購入時に同胞してあったアップデートカードを装着の上、本店カウンター横の棚にある赤いベンダーをタッチして下さい。

Bon08に関しましては本日修正、その他に関しましてはAdorable移転時に修正致しましたので、それ以前にご購入された方はお手数ですが、本店にご来店頂き、アップデートをお願い致します┏o ペコ

gST03: リボン付きストレートヘアです。リボンは20色に変更可能(&OFF)です。前髪・後ろ髪ともに2パターンにチェンジ可能です。ヘアカラーも4色入ってます(*゚∀゚)

gHat07: ベレー帽風ニットキャップ付きヘアです。帽子は18色、髪4色入りです。今回は帽子を消して、てっぺん禿にできるようにしました。お手持ちの帽子に合うかお確かめの上ご購入下さい。当商品は編集不可です>< あくまでオマケ機能ですので、調整等のご依頼もご遠慮下さい┏o ペコ

Hello. Cri-Cri released 2 new hairs and updated some hairs.

[About Update]
Products:  1Wave02-All, 1Wave02-E, mShort04-D, Bon08-E, Bon08-All
Changes:  Corrected wrong hair colors
How to:  Please wear updatecard and touch the red box.  It's on the shelf beside counter table in Cri-Cri main store.

Bon08 was corrected today, and others were corrected in the end of December...please visit Cri-Cri main store and update hairs if you purchased before then.  Thank you.

[New Hairs]
gST03:  Straight hair with big ribbon.  20 ribbon colors and 4 hair colors are included.  You can also change front hair and rear hair to 2 types.

gHat07:  Knit cap with pony-tale hair. You can change 18 cap tex and 4 hair colors.  When you select "*BALD*" button, the cap turn invisible and you can wear your own hat.  But sorry that this hair is no modify and I don't support adjusting hair.  Please try DEMO and see wheather it fits your hat or not before purchase.